Do you wish you knew how to take better care of yourself? Trust us, we've all been there. We know how it feels to rush through each day on autopilot, never taking any time to breatherelax, or take care of your own needs.

In theory self-care is simple and seemingly obvious, but in reality it's something often overlooked. Self-care is any deliberate action to improve of your mental, emotional, and physical health. Good self-care is key to improved mood, optimal body function and reduced anxiety. It’s also key to a good relationship with yourself and others.

{ Self-care isn’t selfish. It's about knowing what you need to do to take care of yourself, so subsequently, you can take care of others in your life. }


Self-Care Tips

  • Take time to notice what feels good.

  • Pay attention to your five senses; the information you receive will help to inform the deliberate choices you can make to bring contentment and calm to your daily experience.

  • Invest in yourself.

  • Find a way to budget time and money for activities, services and care that “fills your cup.”

  • Plan meaningful experiences.

  • Block out time in your calendar for experiences you enjoy. Maybe it’s a person, maybe it’s reading a good book, or just a cup of coffee in silence; no matter what it is, hold yourself accountable to make time for it.

  • Set boundaries.

  • Say no to invitations or requests when you don’t want to go/don’t want to do it; don’t commit simply because you feel obligated.